I just can't believe our baby girl is already four years old. Time has just flown by and she is growing up in front of our eyes. We celebrated her birthday on the 15th, yep a tax day baby. It wasn't supposed to be that way but, she decided the 15th was the day to be born. Abigail, you are such a sweet, fun, and spunky little girl. You have such a big heart and just adore your brothers. Abbie wanted a green cake (green is her new favorite color, probably because it's Isaac favorite color too) so, it's a froggy cake with dragonflies. I guess I should have thought about her picking out the rainbow chip icing because it almost looks like the frog had warts. It still turned out pretty cute, oh well. The cake matched your little froggy backpack. It had all the papers, pens, coloring crayons that you could need to go in it. I hope that it lasts at least a month with all the coloring you do. LOL I am so glad that I get to be your mom because you make me so proud with all the little choices you are making and becoming such a neat "Little Lady"!!! Love ya! I can't wait to enjoy another year with you and then get to have another fun birthday!