Hanging out around the campfire!
Kai and his fish!! Great catch!!
The Whirley Pop Winners this year was a very yummy toffee popcorn made by mom and dad! Great job guys...but, remember you only get to keept he trophy until next year!!
This really was Jordan's idea. I had left Abbie's curlers at Mom and Dad's when I was there last weekend and he said that he should have crazy hair for the parade he was going to for the Duchesne City Parade (on saturday after the reunion). So, we curled his hair. He's trying to look tough for the picture...don't let it fool you...He even slept in the curlers to let them curl....and then they didn't even work that well. Oh well, I guess you need longer than one curl otherwise it looks like an elvis hairdo! LOL
This is the nature walk we went on and collected leaves, sticks, rocks and other fun nature items. We took them back to camp and used them to stamp on foam placemats. The foam was used because...paper would rip. The kids did a great job making their masterpeices. So colorful and fun!
Rian and her bag of goodies to do her masterpeice with!
The kids on the nature hike.
This is the great Chocolate Mitt game. You have to roll dice...if you are so lucky to get doubles you get to put on the oven mitts and try to get chocolate in your mouth until someone else gets doubles.
Dustin is quite the professional candy thrower/catcher. (Remember the first reunion...popcorn and grapes!!)
This is a picture of the boat building race. The team that won had to have a boat made out of household items...it had to float and look pretty too! Mari, Adrienne and Dad won with their pirate boat! They won lego sets to build....because they are the ultimate builders!

On friday we went fishing and canoeing. The kids loved riding in the canoes. I have pictures of all the different boat rides. Even little Rian went for a Canoe ride. Reed and Justin went trolling for fish but, it was Dustin that had the luck on the shore who caught the fish. Later after the Whirley Pop contest...Dustin and Kai went back fishing. Kai caught a fish of his own. It was really Exciting!!
If the kids weren't canoeing...they were throwing rocks in the lake! So much fun..endless fun!
The girls going for a canoe ride! They love it!
Isaac and Kai going for a ride in the canoe!
Grandpa and Reed took the kids for lots of canoe rides!
Even Kaden used the chopsticks!
Yummy Japanese food!!

I finally downloaded my camera and am blogging about the reunion. We had such a great time and were sad for those who couldn't join us. 

The first night was Dustina and Ashley's night to do the food so....it was Japanese food. They even decorated wtih lanterns. The kids loved it and even Isaac ate the Yakisoba (talk about miracle!) The food was delicious and it was really fun to have different food while camping. Great job guys!
This year's reunion was a ton of fun and I am really glad that we have started this reunion because I love how close our family is and I hope it always stays that way! Love you all, thanks for making this reunion a success!!