I was able to go home and visit this weekend, unfortunately it was because my mother was in the hospital. She had a pulmonary embolism, or blood clot in her lung. This is very serious and we are extremly lucky and blessed that everything has worked out okay. She is still in the hospital today and anxious to go home. 
I am extremely grateful that she is okay. Abbie and I were able to travel out to visit her and some of my siblings were able to come. We took the grandkids to see grandma in the hospital but they still have the ban of children in the patient care areas of the hospital due to RSV so, she had to come see us in the lobby. We were really fortunate it was a weekend and hardly anybody was in the hospital because we had the whole waiting area to ourselves. The kids did get a little goofy playing "catch me and give me a hug" with each other. It was a good thing there weren't any pink ladies to "shush" us.

It was fun to see my siblings, I just wish it was under different circumstances. It really makes you realize how much you love your mom. I am SO grateful that she is still here with us. Pulmonary embolisms are really scary and can be fatal. We are so grateful!
I am so glad for the time I was able to spend with her just talking. I needed that...the kind of discussion you can only have with your mom. Mom, I hope you know how much you mean to me. It really made me realize how much I love you and want you to always know that. I love you mom and are so glad that you are still here. With everything that we have been through lately...I couldn't imagine losing my mom. It made me think again of how fragile life is and that we need to make sure that we make use of the time we are given. I am so glad that you are still here to be my mom because I need you and your advice. I love you and am truly grateful that everything is turning out okay. I hope everyone that reads this will take the time to let their moms know how much they mean to them. Let them know how much you care for them. I know now that I really haven't told my mom enough how much she means to me and I need to let her know that more.
This is my baby brother, that really isn't a baby...but will always be the baby of the family...looking all GQ. Love ya Jordan....I just couldn't resist putting your cute picture on. It was great to see ya and eat a few burgers with ya! Next time...Abbie will out eat you!
The day I got the call about my mom, it was Reed's birthday. I left the next morning to go home. Reed had to work on his birthday...sad...but, we celebrated when he got home from work! The kids were so excited that they got to stay up late to open presents and eat some cheesecake. I decided to give him a cheesecake instead of baking a cake. Cheesecake is one of his favorite desserts. Isaac had been trying to convince dad all week to want a "Chocolate cake with chocolate icing" for his birthday cake. If you know Reed he would rather have most any flavor rather than chocolate with chocolate icing. So, we got a variety flavored cheesecake and we cut the peices in half so that the kids might go to bed SOMETIME that night. Good thing it was a friday night and they didn't have school the next day.
It was a really crazy weekend for us and we are just glad that everything is turning out okay. Hopefully she'll be able to get out of the hospital soon. Kaden did the scripture in Primary for the first time and I am glad Reed was there to help him. I am so proud of you Kaden! I am so thankful for a wonderful husband that supports me in everything and I hope we made the end of your birthday day great! We love you!