Birthday Boy!
I can't believe our little boy just turned four! I mean, where did all the time go! I remember when he was born with his blonde hair with what looked like highlights and those beautiful blue eyes. So handsome! We are so proud of you and are excited to see you grow into such a wonderful little boy!
We were excited to see the Toy Story 3 movie coming out just days before your birthday so, we went to the movie for the birthday party!
Yep, you are four and you showed everybody who asked you how old you were turning that day! FOUR and proud of it!
I tried to replicate the "Rex" from the toy story shows for the birthday cake! It was pretty fun and the kids were entranced by the little stars I was piping to decorate the cake. So funny!
I always let the birthday person pick their favorite meal for dinner. Kaden chose pizza and strawberries. I wasn't really surprised by the request. Cheese pizza is all of the kids favorite but, Kaden is a little different that he is my child that chooses shredded wheat over lucky charms and so forth. He is his father's son...for sure!
We had a family birthday party and had a great time opening presents after the movie and dinner. The theme was "Toy Story" and Kaden was thrilled.
We gave Kaden an umbrella and boots. He has since been seen sporting these cool frog boots with shorts with no rain in sight! Love you buddy!
Kaden loves sleeping with his Red dinosaur that aunt adrienne gave him over a year ago. So, the "Rex" from toy story was the perfect addition to his stuffed animals. He love it!
The ONLY thing Kaden asked specifically for his birthday presents was a SUPER SOAKER BLASTER that has 25 feet of soaking action! I kid you not, that is exactly what he will tell you....the ENTIRE phrase I just typed! A super soaker blaster with 25 feet of soaking action!! LOL I asked him where he got this information from since I had never seen a super soaker blaster. He informed me he saw it on the tv. I guess it's official, MARKETING WORKS!! Apprently, because that is all he would talk about for weeks. So funny! We also got him some legos so he would have his own when he and Isaac played lego's.

Kaden we love you SO much! You are a joy to have in our family and we appreciate all the happiness you bring to our home. We are so proud of you finishing your first year of preschool and coming out of your shell a little more every time you went. You are my quieter child yet once you warm-up you can be louder than the other two combined. You love tickles and love to give hugs. Everyday you wake right up with a smile on your face and tell me you love me. I love that! I'm sure someday you are going to tell me not to call you "Tater" and "Kader Bug" but for now, I will cherish you allowing me to keep you as my little buddy. Always willing to give your mom a hug and tell me you love me! Such a sweet little boy! I want you to always stay my little Kader Bug!
We love you SO much!