Abbie performed at the Jazz Game of the Utah Jazz vs. the New Orleans Hornets on March 24th. The Jazz Comp Team performed the pre-show and the show-time team performed at half time.

We had to be at the Energy Solutions Arena at 2:45 p.m. to be able to practice from 3 until 4. We got an hour to go through the routines on the large basketball floor. Then from 4 until 5:30 we had time to go to the gateway and get some dinner. Isaac got, according to him, "the biggest peice of pizza he's ever eaten." "It's as big as a football!" Isaac....you just make me laugh!!! It was a lot of work having all three kids crossing streets, getting food and going bathroom (a few times...so fun with a dance leotard) and being pregnant but, once it was time to perform...it was all worth it!!

This is the Jazz Comp Team entering from the side. They would get to their starting positions and then the music would start.

Ready to Dance!!

Learning where they should be standing for their first number. Abbie got to dance on the Jazz Logo!

I took a "few" pictures but, I'll only post a few(I looked and I took about 100 pictures during the course of the day....I really will post just a few! LOL)

Dancing their little hearts out!!

It was so fun to watch!! The girls and older girls performed together. It was four songs cut together to be a fluid routine.

Their finishing pose....roll your head...hug your knees!
The older girls performing their part of the program. The last two numbers were performed together as a whole group.

Abbie doing her point and turn! You did a great job, Abbie!

The whole Jazz Comp Team got to take pictures for the Jazz Logo. I had my zoom lens on and couldn't get a good photo because other mom's had the point-and-shoot camera's and kept scooting up, so his is my best one with someone's mom's head in the picture. I'll try to get a better one from one of the other mom's and I'll post that.

While we were waiting for the pre-show to begin, we got to watch the jazz players warm-up. Since we were able to sit in the VIP section to watch the pre-show...we were on like the fifth row.

Here's the boy's eating their snacks (we had been at the energy solutions arena since 2:45 that afternoon) in the VIP section.
We showed Kaden where we would be sitting to watch the actual basketball game and he thought that was "SO COOL."
One parent was allowed to go behind the bleachers to pick up their students. This is the view from where the girls came out to perform their show.

After their performance they were able to take pictures with the Jazz dancers.

Abbie was able to get pictures with two of the dancers and they signed her Jazz Dancer poster. She wants to hang this poster up in her room....she's showed me a few places that would be "good" to hang her Jazz Dancer poster.

Abbie with the Jazz Dancer. She could tell which Jazz dancer (during the game) she had taken a picture with because this was the only Jazz dancer with long curly hair. Abbie could find her everytime she performed!

Abbie with her Teacher, Anyssa.

We moved up to our seats before the basketball game started and Kaden kept saying, "These are the BEST SEATS!!!" He like that you could see everything from WAY up. We just laughed and told him that these were REALLY good seats. (It's all about perspective!! LOL)
The other funny thing was watching the boy's eyes as the "PEANUTS....COTTON CANDY!!" men kept walking by. It cracked me up everytime seeing Kaden's eyes get as big as 50 cent peices and then asking if we could get some. I just kept telling him once the game started...we could MAYBE get some!

Their faces say it all...they were jumping in their seats when Reed brought back Popcorn and CottonCandy with him!! Their lips and mouths were blue and pink from the cotton candy and they LOVED it!!

I was taking pictures of the kids during the game and my brothers kept giving their "best" faces...so here you go boys....here's your
lovely picture. Nice facial hair, Garrett!! Or should I say..brother brigham. It was really fun that my parents could come and support Abbie. She was so excited with the little card grandma and grandpa gave her after the performance. There were silly bands inside and she's been playing with them every day since. My aunt Patsy (AKA my second mom) and uncle Larry also came from Tooele to watch Abbie and to enjoy the basketball game. We all decided on the last day to get discount tickets through syracuse dance academy and to go to the game. Reed and I already had tickets but, it was SO fun to have everyone come. It was a really exciting game to watch...going into over-time and all!

The kids were enthrolled with the Jazz Bear and when he slid down the stairs on a sled...they were laughing so hard!! You can see the bear on the jumbo tron and coming onto the floor.

Abbie, we are SO proud of you!! You did a fabulous job!! You worked hard and had a good time too!! Lots of Love....our little dancer!!