A Millett Family Reunion can't be had without some late nights playing games. We started the day by setting up camp and then having Japanese for dinner in honor of Dustin. While we were driving to camp(we were the last to arrive because we have kids in year round school) we kept driving towards the dark clouds that looked like rain...and rain it did!! It was a terrential down pour for a half an hour then cleared up. We were so blessed we had a large pavillion to hang out under and make and eat dinner.
Once the kids were in their jammies for the night and the games started. The kids rode their scooters around the tables. Here's Kaden riding his scooter.
Reed relaxing
Here's us playing games into the night. You can see the Japanese lanterns that had been hung for our Japanese dinner.
The next morning we took the yearly family pictures. Here is John, Allisha and family.
Mom, Dad and Jordan (if you think his hair is wild...he had just taken out the rubber band crazy hair-do that us sister's had given him and this was better than it had been. LOL)
Reed, Cassy and Family
Ashley and Family
Justin, Adrienne and Family
The kids only needed a few sticks to make them happy. They made forts in the bushes and had many of them around the camp.
Kaden playing in the bushes.
Abbie on her scooter.
The kids loved playing with the bubbles.
The lanterns down the center table where we ate our Japanese food.
Reed and Brooklyn on the foot bridge.
Everyone hanging out on the foot bridge after taking family pictures.
Then it was on to a game of baseball. We divided up to two teams.
Ian up to bat
Isaac tagging Ian as he ran for home base.
Brooklyn sleeeping in her stroller the first night. It was a bit cool at night.
Isaac hitting the ball.
Jordan and his "cool" sunglasses
That afternoon...in the heat of the day....grandpa and Reed launched a water fight.
Reed showing his weapon
Grandpa and his water gun
The kids were constantly back to the water to fill their water guns and balloons.
Morgan tried to dump a bucket on grandpa
Then the kids resorted to trash can lids to use as shields to defend against grandpa and Uncle Reed. It was a fun water fight to watch.
Then it was the whirley pop contest. This was our entry as classic cherry jell-o popcorn.
This was John and Allisha's cinnavun carmel corn and it was delicious.
Garrett and Jordan were in the contest for the first time this year. Garrett made cream filled chocolate dipped strawberries over a simple popcorn.
Ashley made turtle popcorn balls....delicious!!
Adrienne and Justin made S'mores popcorn
Then it was time for dinner. Reed and I made grilled chicken sandwiches, dutch oven red potatoes, corn on the cob and a lemonade/fruit mix-in.
Then it was time for the night's activities.....the whirley pop winner announced and John and Allisha won with their Cinnabon Carmel Corn. Yum Yum Yum!!!
We then watched our old home movies. It was SO MUCH FUN!! Adrienne made us all copies of the hour long movie she had made! It was so fun to see us all as kids and having our kids see that.
Kaden fell asleep during the home movies and we had to carry him to his bed.

Reed took time to sight in his bow while we were having down time.
The last morning we were at the reunion we went to the fish hatchery in white rocks. It was really fascinating to see how they stock the lakes in Utah.
Reed got excited seeing all the fish and starting showing me his reeling skills. You're funny!!
Each one of these bins held 15,000 baby fish.
There were trout, cutthroat and a ton of other species.
Then we were to head out to see the "big" fish!! The kids were so excited that they were out to the front window before the adults could get there. This is the kids looking at us in the window trying to hurry all the adults along. Too cute!!
The building has been built recently over the large fish ponds. Apparently Herring would come in and gorge themselves silly with fish that they could barely hop back over the fence. They even tried using electric fences but the birds would put their beaks between the ropes and still eat the fish. So they now have this enclosure over the fish tanks. They said that they were down 30,000 lbs of fish that they would lose each year to the Herring Birds. Crazy right?
The "fish guy" was very popular with the kids especially when he gave the kids food to feed the fishes.
The door was barely opened and the kids were excited to get in to see the fish.
Abbie with her fish food.
Isaac and Kaden feeding the fish.
The fish would make a huge splash. The kids would scream then go throw more food in. They loved feeding the fish.
The building is HUGE!!
The large fish.
Heading back to the cars and Uncle Jordan is being Uncle Jordan and "torturing" AKA "fun time" picked up Abbie and was teasing her.
This is the sign to our camp.
This is us all packing up and getting the last of our stuff from the pavillion.
On the way home we stopped at Strawberry Reservoir to go fishing.
Kaden was excited to go fishing and caught the only thing all day.....a crawfish!
Isaac baited his own hook this time! He's growing up!
Reed had to untangle A LOT of lines due to the high water.
The kids posing for Mom...smile kiddo's!!
Reed was the only one brave enough to pick up Kaden's crawfish. Kaden was excited he caught it but, wouldn't hold it for a picture.
Reed showing me the crawfish.
Brooklyn and Mom hanging out watching everyone else fish.
Abbie was a great fisher even though she didn't end up catching anything.
We had a great time at reunion this year. The highlight for me was the home movies. It was so fun seeing Dustin again on video. I miss him and it was fun seeing him when he was younger. It was SO fun seeing all of us when we were younger. It was also fun telling Reed about things as we watched the movie. Now he understands why we call Patsy our second Mom...she's in a lot of our movies and did a ton with our family. Love you Patsy! This year's reunion we missed two families that weren't able to make it. Miss you Jennie and Nichole! We love all of you and were so excited to spend a few days camping with all of you. It was relaxing and so much fun! Can't wait 'til next year!!