Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a Weekend!!!

I had one of the best weekends!! My sister...ALL of my sisters...came out to scrapbook USA. They came from as far as Colorado. We love to go to this expo but, we really love having a great excuse to get together. I worked in the Heartstring design booth at the expo until noon. With everyone driving in..they didn't get there until I was almost done with my shift. Then we all hung out and shopped. We found great deals and had even more fun hanging out. Even my friend Mandy was able to meet up with us at the expo. She got everything on her list for a great deal! Jennie even had time to do her scrapbook page for my mom's grandma book (you do a page for everyone of your kids every year) we do every Christmas (aren't you a little late, it's March isn't it?) We all then went to a late dinner at Cafe Rio! I haven't laughed so much in a long time. We all drove over in Nichole SUV and it was like hanging out back in high school listening to music and laughing together. Such great memories! I know you would think our night was over but, it was just getting started. Twilight was being released at midnight. So, we all went back to my house in Syracuse and brought luggage inside and finished food preparations. Then just before midnight we went to the Syracuse WalMart for the movie release. You would thinkk that a rock star was there to sign autographs. It was that crazy. We went in the food center side and the line wrapped clear around to the other side of the store. I took a picture because we were laughing the line was so long. They had announcements over head that there were only a limited supply of the two disc dvd but a lot of the single disc. We just wanted the movie...I guess people had started lining up over seven hours earlier! Did they have nothing better to do like hang out with their friends and family! There was a little trick, if you went to the parking lot to the Mountain Star Blood services blood mobile got to go to the front of the line. We were teasing that we should have brought out coban!! Oh well, the line went really fast and we got out movie. We even took pictures in front of the walmart to prove we had gotten our movies! We're so funny! Then back to my house to watch the movie. (We left Walmart at 12:27 a.m.) We all changed into our pajamas and then started the movie just after 1 a.m. Some of us got a little tired. Mom slept through the middle action scenes. She got to see the front and some of the middle and then the ending. She is the only one that hadn't read the books so, she says she will have to watch that again when she's a little more awake! LOL We finished the movie and then watched the extended scenes portion of the extra stuff on the dvd. We went to bed around 3:30 in the morning. I was up at 8 a.m. making pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice for breakfast. We ate together then headed back to our families. I am so glad that we get these little bits of time to be together as a family, especially reconnecting as sisters. I know we talk on the phone A LOT but, it's great to hang out without all the responsibilities of being mom's. This was the first time in a long time that someone hasn't had a nursing baby and had to bring them along. Wow, that probably won't happen for a long time! I guess we'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks Everyone for making this a GREAT weekend! Love you all!!!

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